Friday, October 30, 2020

Coronavirus Lockdowns Usher In the New Roaring ’20s


Jordan Silva

Economic Freedom

Blog 3

Dr. Eubanks


Coronavirus Lockdowns Usher In the New Roaring ’20s


            People are always going to find a way around the law to get what they want. In a free society people do not want to be told what they can and can not do. Since the shut down of bars and restaurants due to the Corona Virus, house parties have taken the place of night clubs. Large gatherings of people partying at houses in New Jersey shows how the demand to party and have a good time outweighs the risk of contracting the Corona Virus. “Police earlier this month broke up a pool party at a mansion in ritzy Alpine, N.J., which NBC reported was owned by a personal-injury attorney. Guests reported spending $1,000 to attend. Shuttle buses dropped off hundreds of guests, many from New York City.” This is a perfect example of individuals doing what they want rather than abiding by the law that restricted gatherings of this size during the pandemic. The opportunity cost of going to the party is quite high.

Going to these parties puts not just a single individual at risk but, that individual may be putting others at risk if they are asymptomatic and have not been tested, they could spread it to others. In a free society people are not supposed to be in the business of harming others. The foregone benefit of staying at home and being safe rather than attending a large gathering seems to not matter to the hundreds of people attending these parties. Instant gratification and the feeling that other people get the virus not me is what fuels individuals need to let loose and party with hundreds of people. Policing these parties does not seem to be very effective with most people being able to leave or at the worst getting a simple fine with no jail time. The hosts of these parties are capitalizing on people’s desire to disobey the law and party no matter the cost to their health or wallet.

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