Saturday, October 03, 2020

U.S. Economic Freedom Ranking


            Since this class is about economic freedom, I decided to look at the United States economic freedom rankings compared to other counties around the world. As of 2020 the United States has a score of 76.6 and has an overall ranking of 17th in the world according to the Index of Economic freedom. The United States economic freedom score has declined for the past 10 years. Some reasons for the decline include the current administrations protectionist trade policies regarding the tariffs imposed on China, and the extreme amount of regulations put on businesses.

            The tariffs currently imposed on China have had a negative effect on the economy. According to “the tariffs imposed so far by the Trump administration would reduce long-run GDP by 0.23 percent ($58.02 billion) and wages by 0.15 percent and eliminate 179,800 full-time equivalent jobs.” McCloskey said “People usually think that the more complicated and developed your economy is, then the more your government should regulate it with tariffs and licenses and regulation and the rest. The more complicated an economy is, the less the government can sensibly intervene.” ( These tariffs hurt ordinary people especially farmers and individuals with lower incomes. Tariffs ultimately raise prices and slow economic growth. Does not sound like economic freedom to me!

            The regulations being imposed on businesses can lead to a loss of economic efficiency and slow growth. According to, “Since early 2009, more than 180 new major federal regulations have been imposed on business operations at an estimated annual cost of nearly $80 billion. Each new edict has meant new government bureaucracy that entrepreneurs and producers must navigate.” The constant creation of new regulations has obviously hurt businesses and slowed overall growth. The U.S. needs to work on getting closer to the number 1 spot on the economic freedom world rankings, instead of their continuing decline.


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