Sunday, April 27, 2008

More Likely, Not Less

Recently MAX BOOT CONSIDERS comments on Admiral Fallon:
"What Fallon (and Barnett) don't seem to understand is that Fallon's very public assurances that America has no plans to use force against Iran embolden the mullahs to continue developing nuclear weapons and supporting terrorist groups that are killing American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. It is highly improbable that, as the profile implies, the president had any secret plans to bomb Iran that Fallon put a stop to. But there is no doubt that the president wants to maintain pressure on Iran, and that's what Fallon has been undermining.

By irresponsibly taking the option of force off the table, Fallon makes it more likely, not less, that there will ultimately be an armed confrontation with Iran."
Considering Olson's Power & Prosperity what is your view of this assertion that Admiral Fallon made armed confrontation more likely, not less likely?

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